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KillAsthma - A New Approach for the Early Diagnosis of Asthma of Children
22. Januar 2018Even though asthma belongs with 235 Billion patients worldwide to the most frequently respiratory diseases, it is not much known about its causes and processes of genesis. Furthermore the diagnosis is difficult. Especially for children an early recognition of this disease is important to save lives. The project partners are focussing on an innovatiove approach, which is based on the analysis of blood cells to estimate the risk a patient is came down with asthma. The goal is to develop a method, that allows for easy and fast diagnosis of asthma as well as monitoring a correspondig therapy.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
The Pattern Recognition Company started 2005 as a spin-off of the University of Lübeck and develops AI products and applications for automated image analysis. Our expertise is based on many years of experience in Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Computer Vision.
With our close collaborations with leading research institutes we have brought current technologies, such as Deep Learning, to the market. For example our Excire Technology. Excire recognizes image content with AI and has already become a useful tool for many photographers.
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