
Company Information

Pattern Recognition Company GmbH
Innovations Campus Lübeck
Maria-Goeppert-Straße 3
23562 Lübeck, Germany

Telefax: +49 451 8836819
Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Erhardt Barth, Mathias Martinetz

VAT-ID number: DE814418463
Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 6042


We examine the correctness and contents of the links set by us from time to time. However, we cannot always check that the external content is correct in every way and does not contain objectionable material. For example any provider can offend copyright or trademark laws beyond the scope of our knowledge. In addition, the contents of the Website which we refer to are subject to change at any time beyond our influence or immediate notice. Therefore we assume no responsibility for content of external links and dissociate ourselves formally from all contents of sites linked to this Website. The operators are solely responsible for the contents of the linked websites.

Copyright, brand rights and patent rights

The contents of this Website intend to provide you comprehensive information on PRC. The intellectual property contained (texts, logo, images etc.) is protected by PRC, and is not to be released to third parties for further use without the prior approval of PRC. This excludes public press releases and associated images.

Note about external links

As far as links are placed from this website to other websites, it is pointed out that there is no influence on the design and content of the linked pages and that their content is not adopted as our own. This applies to all external links on this site and to all content of the pages to which advertising material (e.g. banners, text ads, video ads) leads. For linked pages, it applies that illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. The links are regularly checked for illegal content and removed immediately in the event of infringements.